Aurora Foundation
for People Abused in Childhood
Tel: 020 8541 1951
email: help@aurorafoundation.org.uk

The Aurora Foundation a trauma recovery service and therapeutic community that helps adult men and women who have suffered any kind of childhood trauma/abuse.
We were founded in 2006 by Susannah Faithfull-Gauntlett to provide a safe and confidential space that helps survivors work through childhood trauma. We do this by providing one-to-one counselling/psychotherapy; and also occasional workshops and social activities.
Support services are currently mostly being done remotely on video conferencing platforms (i.e. Zoom, Skype, Google Meet) and occasionally telephone. However, we are also offering some therapy sessions "in person" at our new base in Kingston-upon-Thames (London).
These sessions are subject to counsellor availability.
Please be advised that we currently have a waiting list for therapy at Aurora.
If you wish to have your name added to the list please get in touch and we will
arrange a preliminary telephone call.
Please also be advised that as we offer long-term support at Aurora we are unable to give a
time frame on when a counselling place will be available.
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